
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

heartbreak again... (not mine)

Myth has it, rains are omen; Gods are happy when the sun shines

Personally I feel otherwise, I smile when droplets fall on a pine

Its been a crappy week so far, the clouds hovered when I walked out

It couldn't stay that way for longer, the sun emerged when my toes touched the ground

What started good for me, was spoilt by the God of light

In turn, my friend's heart-break; I know will give him a new flight

He may not realize now, it may take him years

to understand games that gods play, and why they give us tears

come out come out a stronger you, come out come out a winner

if you don't comply with the rules of the game, they may take you for a sinner

mankind survived a million years, with a billion heartbreaks every year

this will become a number for you, one day the killed will become the killer

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